Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Flea Market Shenanigans

My friend Anne and I went to the Jewett City flea market today. I was on a mission for new Atari 2600 games for the ol' collection. After searching every room on both floors, I found only one box of games, and I have each one that was in the box. Big let down, that. However, they had plenty of Playstation and N64 and all of that newer junk. What the hell? Funny thing, they had a taxidermy of a raccoon, a pheasant, and a fox. It grossed us out. I noticed that the raccoon had a missing finger, and then noticed that the finger was on the base. It just broke off I guess. Now THAT'S something worth buying, right? Anyway, all that crapola, and I found NOTHING I would ever want to own.

Last time I went was four years ago with my friend Mike. There were these teenage girls walking around and hanging out, giggling and all that. We coined a term for them. See, Jewett City is a total hick town and there's nothing there, so we decided that the Sunday flea market is their version of a mall. So that would make them "flea rats" instead of "mall rats". Haha. Anyway....


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